
Problem Statements and codes:

The detailed problem statement for this competition can be downloaded here. Codes for evaluating four public test problems are supplied with two versions (MATLAB and Python). Accordingly, submissions of MATLAB or Python source codes are both acceptable.


  • Participants will propose and implement metaheuristic algorithms (e.g., evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, estimation of distribution algorithm, etc.) to solve complex problems in the layout design domain.
  • The code for evaluating the objective and constraints is strictly not allowed to be changed.
  • A maximum number of 5000D function evaluations is allowed (D means the dimension of design variables).
  • Only random seed initial solutions are allowed in this competition. Heuristics and special tweaks for initial solutions are not accepted.

Code Submission:

Please send your submission file (a zip file containing source codes, team information, etc.) directly to chenxianqi12@nudt.edu.cn. The code preparation should follow the style and format of the code example (MATLAB and Python).